Services Information and Chemical Lawn Program
Our Chemical Lawn Program can change due to seasonal trends and findings; however, generally consists of six treatments per year. We recommend the Grub Control in the summer. In addition, we highly recommend aeration and overseed application in the Fall in efforts to incorporate better quality of fescue into existing turf, especially vulnerable bare areas where weeds have been removed.
Chemical Lawn Program treatments are as follows:
- Granular; pre-emergent fertilizer. Applied February – April 15.
- Liquid fertilizer; weed control. Applied April 1 – May 15.
- Granular; slow release fertilizer with insect control. Applied May – June.
Grub Control applied in June.
- Granular; slow release fertilizer with insect control. Applied July – August 15.
- Liquid; fertilizer with weed control Applied August – October.
Aeration and overseed applied in September-October.
- Granular; winterizer fertilizer. Applied October – December.
Tree and Shrub Program consists of five treatments per year. We recommend the Emerald Ash Bore (EAB) application once annually. The Tree and Shrub Program are as follows:
- Systemic insecticide with deep root. Applied February – March.
- Deep root injection fertilizer; applied early spring for best growth development. Applied February – March.
EAB: Applied in June.
- Insects & fungus; through summer months for best control of bagworms, mites, fungus and other plant damaging insects. Applied June.
- Insects & fungus; through summer months for best control of bagworms, mites, fungus and other plant damaging insects. Applied August.
- Deep root injection fertilizer, applied late fall for carbohydrate storage. Applied November.
Other services:
Lawn Care
You can view more images of the lawns we have worked with on our Facebook page.